Q: Are you ever worried that an album like Manafon is simply too dense, two impenetrable for your audience. Do you ever think well maybe I’ve gone too far with this one, maybe I should offer something more conventional out of fear of being alienating.
A: I simply do whatever it is I'm driven to at the time of creating a work. My desire is to communicate not alienate but I can't pander to the taste of one particular audience or a particular faction of that audience. This would only end in the failure of both the artistic and commercial merits of the material.
If an audience thinks I've gone too far and refuse to believe in what I'm producing as relevant or worth the effort, I'll not attempt to persuade them otherwise, but I'll continue to give everything of myself to the material regardless until I have to shut down the computer, put the guitar in the case for the last time and start looking at the want ads in the local paper. I've not divorced myself from more accessible work, as I hope the compilation indicates, and there's no reason to believe that later solo works will move increasingly left of field. But I do choose to follow the path in which my instincts lead me. I have to trust in them as there's nothing else I can rely on.