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From high to low?

Postby Silver Moon on Sat May 13, 2006 12:08 am

I have read in a few places that the reason behind Mr. Sylvian's switch to a lower voice was a throat problem he had. In other articles I have read this was not true... Can anyone clarify why he really lowered his voice?


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Postby Poisoned_Apathy on Sat May 13, 2006 9:59 am

I've also read that he had throat problems. Even that he needed surgery.
I don't know if it's really true but it doesn't surprise me at all. His voice at two first albums sounds very forced and, although I love it , it's very far from his natural register.
Every singer needs a great vocal technique to sing like that without destroying their throats. Many singers in popular music have throat problems because they didn't have the correct trainment.
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Postby SheerPerversity on Wed May 17, 2006 10:51 am

I`ve read interview of Simon Napier-Bell and he told that David didn`t had any problems with throat. He said, that David decided to change image, so the changing of singing manner was one of the sides of this process...

Don`t know how much this is truth:)
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Postby Poisoned_Apathy on Wed May 17, 2006 12:32 pm

That could be another reason...who knows? :roll:
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Postby lastgoldstar on Wed May 17, 2006 10:01 pm

Poisoned_Apathy wrote:I don't know if it's really true but it doesn't surprise me at all. His voice at two first albums sounds very forced and, although I love it , it's very far from his natural register.

Yeah, that's what it sounds like to me, too. It may have been getting too painful for him to keep singing in that register.
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Postby krausy on Wed May 17, 2006 10:51 pm

I've always heard it was part style and part finding his "voice" so to speak. I'm sure it is much easier and healthier on his vocal cords to sing in lower key, but I actually like both of his styles. The first style was appropriate for the time, but the current style is very pleasing. To make a long story short, just a natural transformation I suppose.

As a side note, I listen to Oil on Canvas alot, and on "Swing" when he says the last "Relax and swing" and he goes real low, it makes me grin like a fool!!! :D :lol:
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Postby Poisoned_Apathy on Thu May 18, 2006 4:11 pm

krausy wrote:I've always heard it was part style and part finding his "voice" so to speak. I'm sure it is much easier and healthier on his vocal cords to sing in lower key, but I actually like both of his styles. The first style was appropriate for the time, but the current style is very pleasing. To make a long story short, just a natural transformation I suppose.

As a side note, I listen to Oil on Canvas alot, and on "Swing" when he says the last "Relax and swing" and he goes real low, it makes me grin like a fool!!! :D :lol:

I also like both two styles. :D

And, yes, that part of 'Swing' is really sexy :smt050
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Postby kinki on Mon May 22, 2006 5:16 am

krausy wrote:it makes me grin like a fool!!! :D :lol:

HAHAHA! Me too....

[pretentious comment\] David uses his voice like a virtuoso uses a fine musical instrument [/pretentious]

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Postby Silver Moon on Mon May 22, 2006 7:09 am

Ohh! If you like where his voice goes low, you guys should check out David Sylvian playing the acoustic version of "Ghosts" on my video player! His voice goes so low at this one part it's amazing!

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Postby Poisoned_Apathy on Mon May 22, 2006 7:37 am

Silver Moon wrote:Ohh! If you like where his voice goes low, you guys should check out David Sylvian playing the acoustic version of "Ghosts" on my video player! His voice goes so low at this one part it's amazing!


Yeah! I know! I watched it when you put it up and it's great!!! Not only his voice , but the entire arrangement is great!
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Postby krausy on Mon May 22, 2006 9:19 am

yes, I saw that clip last night. I am sooo glad that moment got captured on video--omigod!!!!!! amazing!!!!
Check it out!!!!
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Postby godisinthesilences on Mon May 22, 2006 9:26 am

where is the wanna hear!!!!!
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Postby krausy on Mon May 22, 2006 9:34 am

godisinthesilences wrote:where is the wanna hear!!!!!

Laura---go to the video player on this site, or go to my YouTube!!!!!
Check it out!!!!
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Postby Tanya80 on Sun Jan 14, 2007 7:16 pm

my sis & i were having this discussion the other day.....she said, that it's something that he was voice was high pictched during Adolescent era, then his vioce went low during Quiet days & from then own......but, his vioce sounds very well either way it goes :-D, case in point, "Swing", oh my goodness ***fans self*** ......
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Postby krausy on Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:29 pm

Tanya80 wrote:my sis & i were having this discussion the other day.....she said, that it's something that he was voice was high pictched during Adolescent era, then his vioce went low during Quiet days & from then own......but, his vioce sounds very well either way it goes :-D, case in point, "Swing", oh my goodness ***fans self*** ......

No dang joke, Tanya!!! "Swing" is the bomb!!!!! Phew, it IS getting hawt in heerrre!!!!!!
Check it out!!!!
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