Chad wrote: I remember reading a recent interview where he commented on not being able to connect with conventional song writing anymore. He couldn't connect with old go-to artists like Nick Drake. Its quite the opposite for me. I find myself not being able to connect with him and his songwriting anymore.
I remember the same interview and understood where he was coming from. It's true that a simple, moving song by someone like Drake can catch you unawares at times and hit the same old spot. But mostly I find that these things lose their power eventually. Dylan moaned about modern music having "sound all over them", but I love hearing new sounds and approaches and being challenged. Sadly most music these days seems to be just a rehash of old styles, one big directionless mash-up.
That is why I loved the ground David explored in the last decade. At its best it could make you hear things differently. It was genuinely new and challenging. Not for everyone, sure, but a brave move forward. I know that you - and others - hate it, but David is not someone who's going to go backwards and revisit old ground. He's never done it and never will.
I really do hope that we get to hear more from him. But, as Missouriman suggests, maybe the toll of recent years has been too much. I just hope he can find his way to health and happiness.