Mojo Self Portrait

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Mojo Self Portrait

Postby jebe68 on Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:03 am

Here's the text of the "Self Portrait" interview from April 2012; the piece also includes a self-rendering by Sylvian that looks to have been done on an iPad. Cheers!

I describe myself as...stubborn, lazy but with a thirst for knowledge, a desire for alternate experiences, a provider, a father, an inept comedian. I'm honest, tender, deeply affectionate and loyal as a good dog. I'm a contradiction. I love company, particularly that of women, but given the option of permanent companionship of any kind and solitude, I'd choose the latter. I guess that makes me a loner.

Music changed initially taking me outside of myself, showing me there was a bigger, broader, emotionally richer world out there to which, at the time, I had limited access. It gave birth to aspiration. Later, it got in the way of my leading a productive life devoted to truthful self-expression or exploration of beauty. Later still, bridges burned, I realised in such a life.

When I'm not making music...I'm making music. Music isn't simply the physical act of creation. It's a permanent presence at the forefront or back of your mind. It circles the murkier waters of the subconscious looking for a focal point. Something's always at work gestating, ruminating. You're on all of the time. It makes you a lousy companion for long distances, really good for short ones, and a great listener.

My biggest vice impulse to undermine what's in my best interests.

The last time I was embarrassed was...I'm easily embarrassed so this happens frequently. Last time would've been about a week ago, having my back seize up in a public space where many good-hearted people ran to my aid.

The last time I cried...recently. Caught a glimpse of a documentary, watching an Asian American father sitting next to his now grown daughter, talking of the abuse she received, abuse that he was completely ignorant of at the time it was happening, at the hands of the local priest whom he let into his home at the start of every morning as he left for work. Heartbreaking.

Vinyl, CD or MP3...In general, I no longer care. Physical objects made with love can have quite a hold on me though. This is frequently not the case with LPs or CDs but for those rare objects that are, I'll spend time seeking them out.

My most treasured possession is...Gifts/objects/art my children made for me. Offerings from my guru.

The best book I've read is...This week, Kindertotenwald by Franz Wright.

Is the glass half full or half empty...The pendulum of our emotional lives is motion swinging from sorrow to joy, love to hatred and back. The trick is to hold the pendulum still, to feel complete in that stillness and simply Be. This is described as the fullness or the emptiness of being which shows how inadequate the description of the experience is. The contents are perfect as they are. To will it to be one thing or another causes desire. Desire is the cause of suffering and keeps the pendulum in motion.

My biggest regret is...listening, despite my instinct to the contrary, to those I shouldn't have as a young man. Not seeking help sooner than I did.

When we die...If death is the end than all that we were will no longer be. If life goes on the ego's sense of self will not, it will slowly fade like an irrelevant dream. What remains will merge with the sea of spirit of which there's varying depths and multifaceted dimensions. In either case I will no longer exist which is an exhilarating notion.

I would like to be remembered...I've no wish to be remembered. I would hope my daughters would have a place for me in their hearts for their own wellbeing. That they'd know how much they were loved. Ditto friends left behind. If something of a benevolent nature comes of the work I've produced I hope it'd be like a balloon loosened from its bindings, floating free without a trace of ownership.
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Re: Mojo Self Portrait

Postby krausy on Sun Jul 01, 2012 3:08 pm

At least he definitely knows what his vice is! And reading the rest explains why it is. He will be remembered, without a doubt!
Check it out!!!!
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