New activity

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New activity

Postby depeon on Wed Oct 05, 2022 2:10 pm

A few very interesting things happening on the Sylvian front, including a new interview and a RS celebratory album. I just saw info on the page.
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Re: New activity

Postby Tin Bird on Tue Oct 11, 2022 4:12 pm

I will be interested in what he has to say.
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Re: New activity

Postby Quiet Visitor on Wed Oct 12, 2022 8:06 am ... c-radio-6/

David will be appearing on the Mary Ann Hobbs radio show on BBC Radio 6 on 27 October at 10.30am (UK).

From the BBC Radio 6 website:

‘One of the world’s most enigmatic musicians, David Sylvian, shares thoughts and ideas in a specially recorded audio diary for the show, his first interview for fifteen years. Mary Anne will also be celebrating his incredible body of work for a ‘spirit of Sylvian’ show special featuring some of the contemporary musicians he has inspired.’
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Re: New activity

Postby Six One Cynic on Thu Oct 13, 2022 2:06 am

My first post in 10 years ya'll! Gonna be listening to this the moment it comes out. Hope DS won't use the interview to publicly announce his retirement from music
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Re: New activity

Postby natsume on Mon Oct 17, 2022 2:07 am

Six One Cynic wrote:My first post in 10 years ya'll! Gonna be listening to this the moment it comes out. Hope DS won't use the interview to publicly announce his retirement from music

Ha! If he sticks to form it's likely we will get further ambiguity. However, it will be nice to hear from him regardless.

Note, it's probably not an interview, since they call it a specially recorded diary. Hope this isn't something he recorded years ago and put on the back burner. But I guess we are getting ambiguity already. Is it an interview ('first in 15 years') or a diary? Maybe they gave him Qs which he responded to as diary entries? Guess we'll know in 10 days...
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Re: New activity

Postby Tin Bird on Mon Oct 17, 2022 6:43 am

"...specially recorded audio diary for the show..."
Yeh, guess you are right. Sounds like a prerecorded-type thing. Darn. Well, better than nothing (everything) I guess! :wink:
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Re: New activity

Postby Six One Cynic on Tue Oct 18, 2022 8:35 pm

natsume wrote:
Six One Cynic wrote:My first post in 10 years ya'll! Gonna be listening to this the moment it comes out. Hope DS won't use the interview to publicly announce his retirement from music

Ha! If he sticks to form it's likely we will get further ambiguity. However, it will be nice to hear from him regardless.

Note, it's probably not an interview, since they call it a specially recorded diary. Hope this isn't something he recorded years ago and put on the back burner. But I guess we are getting ambiguity already. Is it an interview ('first in 15 years') or a diary? Maybe they gave him Qs which he responded to as diary entries? Guess we'll know in 10 days...

When I first came back to this forum I was shocked and heartbroken to find out that DS had done virtually nothing creative since 2012. I DMd him on Twitter asking why he's been resting on his laurels for the last 10 years but he never replied. Definitely on a selfindulgent loop...
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Re: New activity

Postby Tin Bird on Wed Oct 19, 2022 7:11 am

I always find it odd that fans (consumers) of art or music feel they are owed something by the artist. I have no idea why DS is not currently making new music. Sounds to me like he has other interests. Heck maybe he is into gardening now. Either way, his art has brought me so much joy over the years, the last thing I would want to do would be to express derogatory feelings towards him. I am grateful for what he has given the world. For me, it is enough. I would be ecstatic if he decided to record again, although, at least for me, another ultra-minimal record would be redundant. Anyway, not starting a tiff or anything at all...just responding to the "self-indulgent" comment because I feel that is a rather unkind accusation to make esp. towards someone who is so admired. My one cent...
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Re: New activity

Postby Six One Cynic on Wed Oct 19, 2022 3:43 pm

I love him and am frustrated because I want new ultra-minimal music. If you're really finished with DS then why even bother logging back in this community? As long as David is still alive and has an online presence I will always be expecting new music. :smt006
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Re: New activity

Postby Tin Bird on Wed Oct 19, 2022 5:32 pm

You are either ignorant or a Richard. Bye right back to you...maybe for say...ten more years. :smt006
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Re: New activity

Postby lukasgardiner on Wed Oct 19, 2022 8:14 pm

I remain quite hopeful that there will be releases in the near future. Whatever they are I will listen attentively. David did say on Twitter (or somewhere...) that "more accessible" things were coming when questioned about the Shadow Worlds stuff being sold currently. Could be anything TBH but music would be nice.
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Re: New activity

Postby Tin Bird on Wed Oct 19, 2022 11:37 pm

I agree. I think either way, it will be nice to hear from him. Along with his art and music, I also like him as a person. He is a thoughtful and reasoned man who takes his art seriously. I admire the way he views the world (even if I don't see it in the same way). He always makes me wonder and think.
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Re: New activity

Postby Quiet Visitor on Thu Oct 20, 2022 8:21 am

Six One Cynic wrote:...why even bother logging back in this community?...

Because this forum is called so for me there's a lot more to explore than just David's activities or rather non-activities :) .
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Re: New activity

Postby Tin Bird on Thu Oct 27, 2022 7:00 am

Listening to the interview now...I am finding it quite amazing.
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Re: New activity

Postby ob8 on Thu Oct 27, 2022 4:20 pm

I listened to the broadcast at work today so i missed a few minutes here and there. I hope it is put up online for everyone to digest and (hopefully) enjoy. I did try to re-listen to it this evening but it was not available. Only the bits before and afterwards which is a little strange. On a side note a Burial track was played. Nice to hear he is a fan of Davids work. Goldie also is a fan and draws a lot of parallels between himself and David.

It was very emotive to hear David talk again after so long. I had tears in my eyes (sorry !) The direction of the broadcast was dictated by what David chose to talk about though he did seem touch on some topics that i thought would have come from MAH. It was interjected with music from throughout his career.

It was great to hear him on mainstream radio again and even though i don't recall any news about his return to making music he seemed happy. He exercised his usual wit and understated charm and apologised for his accent after living in the States for so long. It was funny when he was recalling contacting Derek Bailey and Bailey responded are you sure i am the right person for what you are looking for, when discussing the Blemish project.

There seemed to be a lot of positive feedback coming in about the show and i would like to think David would know that he still has (despite his best efforts, some would say) some fans left whose lives he has deeply enriched.

I hope to hear this again and hope you all have that opportunity too. He spoke of knowing which work worked and which didn't live up to his expectations. Repeated listens on anything always reveal things that one misses first time around so it would be nice to take in the piece again. It was a joy to hear him, and i for one owe him so much on many levels and i feel he has helped shaped the person who i have become today in a positive way. My gratitude is endless. Thanks again David.
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