911 debris of prayer by Ryuichi Sakamoto

Sakamoto, Fripp, Czukay et al.

911 debris of prayer by Ryuichi Sakamoto

Postby angel-a on Sat Sep 11, 2010 3:21 pm

Ryuichi created a 911 tribute site. Among those prayers, there is one by David...

I feel it's important to counteract the intense negativity born out of fear, ignorance, anger and frustration with prayers for the dead, the suffering, and prayers for peace. To view this conflict as a fight between good and evil is enormously dangerous. To give in to the propaganda perpetrated by both sides of this conflict that perpetuates this sense of 'otherness' where the 'enemy' are concerned is to enable us to distance ourselves from the crimes against humanity executed in our names. Duality is illusion. The spark of divinity resides in all beings.

"If we look back through history, we can see that all conflicts and wars originate from the conflict within the individual. What is the real source of this inner conflict? It is the lack of awareness of our true nature, the one living Reality wihtin us, of which we are all a part. And this is where spirituality, 'the true religion' comes in: to awaken this awareness, and to help us develop such qualities as love, empathy, tolerance, patience, and humility."

Mata Amritanandamayi

david sylvian

Also there are prayers by Russell Mills, David Torn, Peter Barakan, etc.
If you are interested in finding David's prayer and others here is the link:
http://www.sitesakamoto.com/wtc911/debr ... index.html

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Re: 911 debris of prayer by Ryuichi Sakamoto

Postby inkinthewell on Sun Sep 12, 2010 3:18 am

Thanks for the heads-up.
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