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Mick Karn - Autobiography in the Works

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 3:04 pm
by heartofdavid
Got this from japan_pioneers:

Record Collector features a short interview with Mick and there is a
close-up picture of his face. Best thing he reveals is that he is busy
writing his autobiography "to put down the history of Japan 'cause
there's been such a lot of nonsense written. I hope to finish it this

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 4:02 pm
by Silver Moon
OMG awesome! Can't wait to get that!


PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 6:25 pm
by sheisnot
Hmm, sounds like there might be some drama in those pages. I wonder if he will discuss the fallout with DS over Yuka and other issues...

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 7:25 pm
by heartofdavid
I think the drama would be fun to read, find out what facts are fallacies type of stuff. I don't think he would be the type to get nasty though, I think he would be honest about things. Like how did he hook up with Yuka in the first place because she originally dated Steve? Okay, I'm just very nosey and would like to know!

I am curious about the break up of Medium Productions, I've always wondered if there was more to it than Steve's statement about pulling out to "devote my time working to with my brother." Maybe Rich's concentrating on projects that didn't involve Steve or Mick was the start of it?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 9:42 pm
by krausy
Now that would be very cool to read!!!! I definitely think we should hear from Mick as I imagine he has plenty to say and could set the record straight on some of the stories that float around and have been for all these years.......................

Right now I am reading the Simon Napier-Bell books---currently started Black Vinyl White Powder. Finding that he has had quite a history in the business and some tidbits of info about our guys....

I would greatly welcome an autobio from Mick :-D

PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 9:24 am
by Poisoned_Apathy
Definetely it would be really interesting and fun to read. I don't forget he has a great sense of humor and fortunately he will let us know also the good memories , not only the drama.

Can't wait for it. :-)