by Silver Moon on Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:38 am
Ok.... To do list:
1. Don't eat anymore spinach.
Ok, that should be easy...
Anyway, I am a bit worried because in the counties that are north, west and south of ours, the shools have been getting an outbreak of the dreaded "Staph infection" everyone has been talking about. ...Apperantly, it is very easy to get. It someone who has it on the skin touches a desk and you touch that desk, you can get it bady on the skin. If it touches an open sore on the body, it can enter the blood stream and then you are really srewed. In severe cases, some people have had to have body parts amputated, so I am really hoping it doesn't spread to my school... I just think teenagers need to do more of something they almost NEVER do... WASH THOSE HANDS!!
Ok, new to do list:
1. Don't eat spinach
2. Buy a giant bottle of germ-x
Also, if you live around San Fransico, San Antonio, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Washington DC, and Boston... Watch out for that Staph Infection!