by baht habit on Fri Nov 03, 2006 8:09 am
What a great sneak preview. Get The H*ll Out surely has a funky groove. Although initially skeptical, I must now admit that from these little excerpts, Elsenburg did an extremely fine job with the material he had been presented. From what I discerned from his vocal delivery on White Man Hex, I'm fairly sure that song is the other track they performed that Sylvian had originally sung. I guess that it is slated to be included on Jansen's solo disc (another release we have to look forward to). Listening closely, White Man Hex sounds as though it could easily have fit in with the Nine Horses material. Sleepyard might be one of the two collaborations between Elsenburg and Jansen that will also be included on Jansen's disc. Elsenburg sounds as if he is in a more natural vocal range on that one. Overall, the outcome sounds very's a pity that the entire performance isn't available.