Album sales information?

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Re: Album sales information?

Postby pn on Thu May 26, 2011 2:11 am

I heard somewhere that the sales on and samadhisound is very good worldwide.
He sold more records there then in recordstores.
And if you count sales worldwide from stores and from online music stores for solo records and japan stuff
its pretty good.
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Re: Album sales information?

Postby digimarsh on Thu May 26, 2011 3:58 am

If you look on amazon and search for Died in the Wool ,you can see where it ranks in terms of sales, not bad at all ,last time i looked.Sleepwalkers made about number 23 in the amazon top 100 just after release.Its hard to say what actual sales this represents but its still nice to see.
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Re: Album sales information?

Postby Sweetie on Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:10 pm

Interesting topic Slope - and some very informative replies.

To be honest I’ve never even given any thoughts to record sales or revenue for any artist/band, and I suppose rather naively I always assumed that Japan, whilst perhaps not amassing a fortune, had done ok for themselves back in the day (being a teenager at the time I suspect I was probably more interested in drooling over David!!). I’ve learnt since that sadly wasn’t the case.

What really shocked and saddened me was reading how financially dire things were for Mick and this did make me wonder just how financially secure David and Steve really are and how they manage to support their families.

I imagine David has probably faired better than Steve when it comes to sales and tours
which is a huge shame because Steve is seriously underrated as a musician, composer, producer etc.
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Re: Album sales information?

Postby Six One Cynic on Thu Jun 09, 2011 8:49 am

Sweetie, Mick Karn was an amazing artist who was just as talented and important as DS or his brother, but nowhere near as prolific and marketable as they would become after Japan - Mick basically spent the last 28 years of his life releasing obscure instrumental music on temporary, obscure labels that all went under shortly after he was signed, he rarely toured or gave interviews and basically became a family man, he was said to be a great chef at the end of his life and became passionate about food and cooking.
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Re: Album sales information?

Postby Sweetie on Sat Jun 11, 2011 7:08 am

Six One Cynic wrote:Mick Karn was an amazing artist who was just as talented and important as DS or his brother, but nowhere near as prolific and marketable

I don't doubt Mick's talent for one moment - I guess he was just very unfortunate after Japan. At least his unique style and distinctive bass playing will live on and no doubt continue to be emulated by many bass players. That's some achievement.
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Re: Album sales information?

Postby depeon on Thu Jun 30, 2011 3:33 pm

I find this all very interesting and it amazes me that DS has managed to keep a recording career going for over 30 years on these sales figures. From the information available here i take it he sells around the 12000 mark of his albums in the uk, could anyone let me know what those figures are like worldwide and how many copies of SOTB were sold?
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Re: Album sales information?

Postby shesgotmedals on Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:34 pm

Some facts and figures here for your perusal. ;-)
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