i am on youtube as i am most days listening to david or japan or RBK
i come across Queit Life the whole album
i am playing it as i type and i am singinf as mad as i did when i 1st purchased this album in 1980
i loved this album from the 1st track and title to the last song The other Side of Life which i miust say has the best outro of music ever whoever produced this and even thought of it was a genius
right thats Fall In Love With Me just finished i have to skip Despair cos nope let me listen to the piano on this truly amazing.
this i remember was a gatefold sleeve ariola / Hansa record. i think i have it 3 times as i put 2 in frames for my music wall.
i actually have an amazing collection of Japan stuff all mint condition too but when i got this i actually begged my parents to buy a new record player which cost in 1980 100 quid and i would constantly play this
so sorry im having a happy memory evening listening to this music
In-Vogue is my fav i love this track
in fact they all are
thats it finished playing my imaginary piano
again great album great music great lyrics classic band!!!!!!!!