by digimarsh on Thu Jun 03, 2010 12:55 pm
I think part of the problem with these interviews is the fact that as fans of DS we all tend to read all interviews he conducts and after a while the same line of questioning reappears and thus similar responses. David as we have noted gives long and fairly considered answers, thus making trawling thru another interview sometimes mundane.I personally don't believe he is pretentious as such ,i honestly believe it's just the way he is ,deep ,thoughtfull and articulate.
When he said he thought David Sylvian is "dead" ,i think he was referring to the artist he once was (secrets, brilliant trees ,ect) being no longer relevent to who he is today and what he is seeking to achieve.He has now re invented himself and probably feels slightly disconnected from his previous output, therefore no longer able to live up to the expectations that being David Sylvian were.
It is always sorry to hear that someone feels they need to 'move on' as if being a fan is some how inhibiting them, whilst Manafon was not everybody's cup of tea ,it was without doubt a striking and bold record,stick around maybe his next release will surprise you .