Well, I have too much hair to fit under a cap, but I'll put my introduction here anyway.
I'm Krystine, a 29 year old (we'll just pretend I wrote this 5 years ago, pretty amazing of me since this is a new forum, but I'm well ahead of my time!
) from MA, currently residing in FL having fun in the sun. A huge music fan and multi-media producer, although I'm currently creating learning programs for a financial firm and graphics/animations for a forensics training facility. Sounds like fun, eh?
Well, my love for the music that brings us all here started with 5 British boys, that, being a female teenager in the 80's, was my duty to fawn over, collectively called Duran Duran. It also includes MTV, which amazingly enough at the time lived up to it's name. MTV used to have some cool VJ's and even cooler were the guest VJ's. Being the extreme Duranie that I was (and still partially am), I was not missing Simon and Nick's Guest VJ spot. Well, being the great musicians that they are and having all the right influences, they played some killer videos and got me into a lot of good music. One of those being, of course, Japan - Visions of China. I will now thank MoodyB for putting that on YouTube, it's been a while since I've seen it. Anyway... my initial reaction to that video (other than finding Mr. Sylvian to be VERY beautiful):
What is this?? And why don't I own more?? Well, Nick and Simon dutifully explained what it was and I went about fixing the latter question. The next day. I picked up Tin Drum and everything else Japan that the record store had. Art of Parties 12" and something else. It just built from there and they were certainly in my top 10 artists.
Well, as it happened, my musical tastes changed (matured? Me? I doubt it; we'll stick with 'changed') with the introduction to Marillion and other progressive bands. I started to fall out with the Duran/Cure/Japan phase, until - through my progressive searches - I rediscovered Mr. Sylvian. Here's where I again agree with MoodyB in that it really amazed me the way he grew and matured (as I say, his style changed to suit my taste, and I'm sure that's what he was going for
So I dove back into Sylvian's solo work, back in with Japan and almost about anything to do with any of them. How excited was I to learn that the one and only Mr. Barbieri was playing with one of my new
favourite bands?! V E R Y! Have they moulded my musical taste? No, that's no where near moulded! I listen to anything. But they have certainly influenced it and expanded it.
I have to wave back to my fellow Porcupine Tree Forum pal, Mr. Sonic. I'm also always a regular there and the other yahoo groups he mentions (though as krys_papp, dunno who stole my proggrl moniker there but I want it back!).
And also like Sonic, I discovered this place through myspace and welcome any other JapanSylvian addicts to drop by and say hi and learn more about lil ol' ME.
Trust the proggrl.