First of all, apologies for the forum's disruption in recent days. As many of you will know, the previous server was being de-commisioned. Blood Of A Poet (the forum's founder and builder along with SIlver Moon - a great family team!), Dizrythmia and myself have been working to move the site onto a new platform. That work is now completed. The forum will continue!

Some posts from recent days have been lost - many apologies for this - although I hope that securing the site's future will compensate for the annoyance this may cause. However, I did make a text copy of the posts this morning and will put them up ASAP.
I wanted to say a huge thank you to Blood Of A Poet and Silver Moon for creating and nurturing this site. Behind the scenes, BOAP has had to deal with far more hassle around servers, backups etc than you can imagine. Also, Dizryhthmia has put in a huge effort to secure the site's future too. Thank you!
I hope we can all continue to enjoy lively and friendly debates, discussion and sharing of news regarding the music we (mostly) love and its creators.
Finally, if there are technical glitches, please let me know. I will endeavour to resolve them as soon as possible. Similarly, if anyone has views on the site and content, feel free to PM.
Best wishes