Hello! ^^
I introduce myself...
My name is Rachele, I'm 21 and I come from Italy! ^^
I knew David Sylvian and Japan in a strange way...
I mean, I knew Sakamoto-sensei music... and I heard "Forbidden Colours".
So, I heard David for the first time... and it was like... a lightning hitting my heart! Can't explain better... XD
But I had a long way to arrive to Japan...
I spent a couple of years in the japanese pop-rock music (and I'm still in it! I love a particular japanese band but that's another story... XD)..
And a month ago, i heard again Forbidden Colours and... again, that lightning to my heart!
So, I decided to follow my beating heart and I looked for David's works and I discovered Japan, too...
I'm still so ignorant... >_<;;; I'm trying to learn, to know more and more about Japan, David and all the others...
I found this forum by chance and... here am I! ^___^