JapanSylvian.com had 3289 visits in May and we weren't even online for the whole month! (The site started on May 6th.)
"Visits" are the actual number of people that have visited the site, as opposed to the popular "Hits" which is how many elements were viewed on a single page of a website. For example (and I know I'm getting wordy here) if you visit a site, the first page will load graphics, Flash, java scripts, text, and other elements, each one of those items is considered a "hit", so after visiting several pages with a lot of elements it creates a really big number. - But just in case your wondering, we had 552,635 hits in May.
A big, BIG thanks to everyone for making this forum such a success!!!
There seem to be a lot of lurkers out there! So if you come in just to read, sign up and join in - we'd love to hear from you!
Other statistics for the really curious ...
The top ten countries that have visited the site:
1. USA
2. UK
3. Italy
4. Netherlands
5. Australia
6. Croatia
7. Iceland
8. France
9. Russian Federation
10. Sweden
The top five videos viewed in the player:
1. Art Of Parties - Whistle Test
2. David Sylvian - Interview 2006
3. Brialliant Trees - Studio 1983
4. Orpheus - Italian TV
5. David Sylvian - Interview 1992
Below is a chart of our daily stats in May: