I've been meaning to join this site for quite sometime, but a long term, very heavy work commitment (now easier) and a frustrating slow computer (now fixed) made it difficult. For those same reasons, I'm not a member of any social internet site (I was a while ago, but there was no point, as I couldn't take part). I'm also a little bit shy.
I managed to visit here at every opportunity, enough to discover how great this site is, so friendly and so informative. I absolutely love reading the members reviews and opinions on albums, on a particular song and on musicians. You guys could put many music journalists to shame with your knowledge and passion for the subjects. And the occasional girlish comments on the boys' looks - both on the forum and on the gallery - are quite entertaining and always bring me a smile
Japan's music and David's solo and collaboration works have been part of my life since the eighties and I have followed David's career ever since, getting excited with every new project and with every announced tour. From 'Ghosts' to 'Small Metal Gods', David's lyrics, his voice and beautiful melodies have helped me more than I care to admit. Yes, my obsession hasn't diminished at all over the years... if anything, it has increased!
And finally (yes, I do talk too much!), I would like to thank each person who runs this site for their fantastic work, their love and dedication. Also, a big thank you to everyone who goes through the trouble (searching, scanning etc) of posting those wonderful photos on the Gallery. All your work is very much appreciated.
Love to all. xx
(Apologies for any errors - my first language isn't English)